Life Sauce: Good In The Bad

Can life taste like rotten tomatoes yet still beautiful?. That would be definitely poisonous, but replacing it with ketchup can fix the situation. The same thing applies when a bad situation can be replaceable with its good reason.

Let’s be real though, there is nothing called a bad situation or feeling. In fact, the only reason we see it as bad is that it did not turn it the way we wanted to or thought of. Moreover, every bad situation has an actual reason and that reason is the good side of the situation.

How to see the good in the bad?

  1. Treat the situation as it is a vacation. The vacation always vanishes in a blink of an eye. The same thing happens with the bad situation
  2. Know your feelings won’t change the action. At all. Your action toward the situation is what will change your feeling. Acknowledge what is making you feel this way and dig a ground to find the bright sides.
  3. Feeling unfair in the situation won’t make it easy. You have to understand that some things need to be let go or and others are out of our control.
  4. Repeat this: blessings can come in the shape of pain.
  5. Every bad situation is burnt skin. In order to grow a new one, you have to unshed this old one. Learn to walk in the fire, like a real hercules.
  6. Always keep in mind, it would be worse. From my personal experience, I have a very bad critical abdominal case. However, I am still able to talk, see and talk and live my 20’s partly as good as it can be. So having this way is way better than not being able to have control of my own body.
  7. Lastly, imagine your life with no bad days. That would be definitely boring. You need definitely some hot sauce to spice things up and learn more from life.

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